Fantasy Football Panel 1: Chance: Fantasy Football is here!, Panel 2: Chance: Have to study injuries... predictions... past performance... Wonderlic test scores..., Panel 3: Chance: Stats! Backups!! 30 seconds to decide!!!, Panel 4: Chance: So I drafted Russell Wilson and a stick of butter., Dillon: My money's on the butter.

Fantasy Football Panel 1: Chance: Fantasy Football is here!, Panel 2: Chance: Have to study injuries... predictions... past performance... Wonderlic test scores..., Panel 3: Chance: Stats! Backups!! 30 seconds to decide!!!, Panel 4: Chance: So I drafted Russell Wilson and a stick of butter., Dillon: My money's on the butter.

Fantasy Football

How bad was your Fantasy Football draft? Or, how bad was your draft after all of those players forgot how to play the game this year?

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