based Spirit of Enlightenment Panel 1: Chance: Uhhh, passing out. I've slipped from the earth to find the source of enlightenment., Panel 2: Chance: I can feel he is very close..., Panel 3: Chance: Russell Brand??, Russell Brand: Bit barmy, innit mate?

Panel 1: Chance: Uhhh, passing out. I've slipped from the earth to find the source of enlightenment., Panel 2: Chance: I can feel he is very close..., Panel 3: Chance: Russell Brand??, Russell Brand: Bit barmy, innit mate?

The Spirit of Enlightenment

Did you ever think you'd ever agree with anything Russell Brand has to say? We're at an unexpected place in the world where we're no longer separated by traditional sides but by another question: are you a critical thinker? Are you interested in common ground or are you trying to burn it down while smashing anyone or anything in your way?

People like Russell Brand and Bill Maher disagree with me on a lot of issues. We don't try to solve problems the same way. It's more important that we all believe there is such a thing as objective truth and we're interested in finding out what it is, that's the true spirit of enlightenment.

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