basedThis Book is Racist Panel 1: Author: This book should never have been published!, Panel 2: Author: There aren't enough gay characters!, Panel 3: Author: And it's racist! What does a white author know about people of color anyways?, Panel 4: Taylor: Yet it's more popular than your book., Author: That's racist too!

This Book is Racist Panel 1: Author: This book should never have been published!, Panel 2: Author: There aren't enough gay characters!, Panel 3: Author: And it's racist! What does a white author know about people of color anyways?, Panel 4: Taylor: Yet it's more popular than your book., Author: That's racist too!

This Book is Racist

This scenario plays out every year on Twitter. The author accused of "This book is racist!" doesn't even have to be white. The writer just needs to be a different race than the character in question. More specifically, the book has to be making more money than a book written by the accuser.

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