basedPanel 1: Dr. Science: Real scientists don't need to debate., Panel 2: Chance: This says you took $8 million in grants from Big Pharma., Science: Your point?, Panel 3: Chance: Truth in advertising requires us to add this to your wardrobe., Panel 4: Science: I'm not wearing that!, Chance: But you came in here wearing that tie!

Panel 1: Dr. Science: Real scientists don't need to debate., Panel 2: Chance: This says you took $8 million in grants from Big Pharma., Science: Your point?, Panel 3: Chance: Truth in advertising requires us to add this to your wardrobe., Panel 4: Science: I'm not wearing that!, Chance: But you came in here wearing that tie!

Sponsored by Pfizer

Maybe the reason he doesn't want to debate the science is he knows he can't defend himself? Sponsored by Pfizer.

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