basedNazis for Biden Panel 1: Fed: Join the Nazi revolution!, Dillon: Fed., Panel 2: CIA: I am real Ukranium Nazi!, Dillon: CIA recruit!, Panel 3: Fed: There will be more protests soon!, Dillon: Sure, when the FBI gets back from summer break.

Nazis for Biden Panel 1: Fed: Join the Nazi revolution!, Dillon: Fed., Panel 2: CIA: I am real Ukranium Nazi!, Dillon: CIA recruit!, Panel 3: Fed: There will be more protests soon!, Dillon: Sure, when the FBI gets back from summer break.

Nazis for Biden

Nazis for Biden trended on Twitter because the Altamonte Nazis were quoted as saying Biden was better than DeSantis. That didn't stop Rolling Stone from publishing a blatant lie. The smear attempts continue and always from within.

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