basedJournalisming Panel 1: Reporter: I'm from the Washington Post! Who are you with?, Taylor: The Boca Del Rio Community Newsletter., Panel 2: Reporter: It's a shame. White House coverage isn't exciting anymore, you'll see., Taylor: I have a question..., Panel 3: Taylor: Inflation is at an all-time high and no one can afford gas. Why are you trying to ruin the country?, Panel 4:

Panel 1: Reporter: I'm from the Washington Post! Who are you with?, Taylor: The Boca Del Rio Community Newsletter., Panel 2: Reporter: It's a shame. White House coverage isn't exciting anymore, you'll see., Taylor: I have a question..., Panel 3: Taylor: Inflation is at an all-time high and no one can afford gas. Why are you trying to ruin the country?, Panel 4: Biden: It's Russia's fault, Reporter: Yawn! So boring.


Reporters love to tell us journalism is boring now that the adults are in charge. Maybe if they asked a few questions instead of journalisming . . .

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