basedPanel 1: Cast: This way everybody... Into the box truck err shuttle for the next portion of your galactic experience!, Panel 3: Debra: It's dark in here..., Panel 4: Debra: This is taking a long time..., Panel 4: Debra: Are we being dropped off in a sanctuary city?, Vickers: It's all part of the magic, Debra!

Panel 1: Cast: This way everybody... Into the box truck err shuttle for the next portion of your galactic experience!, Panel 3: Debra: It's dark in here..., Panel 4: Debra: This is taking a long time..., Panel 4: Debra: Are we being dropped off in a sanctuary city?, Vickers: It's all part of the magic, Debra!

In the Star Wars Box

Chance is endlessly amused by the box truck that takes guests from the Star Wars hotel to the park. For the cost of a “cruise” you would think you’d get a higher class of transportation than a Star Wars box.

If you enjoy Chance’s art as much as you enjoy my ramblings, you might want to see this snippet of his drawing process:

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