basedPanel 1: TV: Candy canes and hot cocoa, perfect for the holidays, Panel 2: Sales staff: Thank you for shopping, happy holidays, Panel 3: Sales: Come to our holiday sale!, Chance: There's only one holiday this week will someone please tell the truth for once!, Panel 4: Taylor: Merry Christmas, Chance, Chance: Whew

Panel 1: TV: Candy canes and hot cocoa, perfect for the holidays, Panel 2: Sales staff: Thank you for shopping, happy holidays, Panel 3: Sales: Come to our holiday sale!, Chance: There's only one holiday this week will someone please tell the truth for once!, Panel 4: Taylor: Merry Christmas, Chance, Chance: Whew

Happy Holidays

Posting this on Twitter got me in a well-meaning argument with a fan who assured me Solstice was also this week. Yes, agreed, but Christmas is the holiday that dare not speak its name. Happy holidays!

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