basedPanel 1: CNN: You've been traveling with the President. Is he up to the challenge?, Chance: Of course... He's the hardest working man I know! A real employee of the month , Panel 2: Looks, Panel 3: Biden: ZZZZ, Panel 4: Chance: Can we go to commercial?, CNN: PFFT... Relax. No one is watching this anyway.

Panel 1: CNN: You've been traveling with the President. Is he up to the challenge?, Chance: Of course... He's the hardest working man I know!, Panel 2: Looks, Panel 3: Biden: ZZZZ, Panel 4: Chance: Can we go to commercial?, CNN: PFFT... Relax. No one is watching this anyway.

Employee of the Month

The world is evil but I'm going to enjoy my weekend anyway. Biden is Based Comic Employee of the Month.

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