basedPanel 1: Chance: Target pulled their satan clothes off the shelves. Spy: Domestic Extremist!, Panel 2: Spy: This report from the FBI told me exactly how to spot one of you!, Panel 3: Chance: Because I don't want Target to sexualize kids?, Spy: That's Item #4, Panel 4: Chance: Fine. "Devil onesies for all the toddlers.", Spy: Too late to try and get on my good side."

Panel 1: Chance: Target pulled their satan clothes off the shelves. Spy: Domestic Extremist!, Panel 2: Spy: This report from the FBI told me exactly how to spot one of you!, Panel 3: Chance: Because I don't want Target to sexualize kids?, Spy: That's Item #4, Panel 4: Chance: Fine. "Devil onesies for all the toddlers.", Spy: Too late to try and get on my good side."

Domestic Extremist

Normal is a sign of a domestic extremist.

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