basedPanel 1: Chance: Ah, back to nature!, Bill Gates: Excuse me..., Panel 2: Bill Gates: Cows release harmful methane gases into the atmosphere, Panel 3: Gates: I bought this land to save it. Enjoy plant-based "meat" from my factory, coming soon. Panel 4: Chance: At least I can enjoy the sunshine!, Gates: About that...

Panel 1: Chance: Ah, back to nature!, Bill Gates: Excuse me..., Panel 2: Bill Gates: Cows release harmful methane gases into the atmosphere, Panel 3: Gates: I bought this land to save it. Enjoy plant-based "meat" from my factory, coming soon. Panel 4: Chance: At least I can enjoy the sunshine!, Gates: About that...

Cows Release Harmful Methane

Experimented with this one when it had to be converted from horizontal to vertical. The artist thought I would go with a different arrangement but that would have made the comic even taller.

We are a team, by the way. I haven’t always made that clear—you might have noticed. You can call us “Chance” and “Taylor,” the Artist and the Writer. Sometimes Chance writes and Taylor colors but I’ll bet you can tell the difference. I write the funny ones (but don’t tell Chance I said that).

Just remember what's important - cows release harmful methane and we don't need a sun.

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