basedPanel 1: Taylor: Been getting sick a lot lately?, Man: Nine times in the last two years, and this cough just won't go away., Panel 2: Man: Fortunately I've been taking these booster shots... Or I'd be in... real trouble., Taylor: I haven't had a single booster myself.. Panel 3: Man: Well... If you wanna... take risks... with your life... that's your choice., Panel 4: Taylor: Yep. I'm good.

Panel 1: Taylor: Been getting sick a lot lately?, Man: Nine times in the last two years, and this cough just won't go away., Panel 2: Man: Fortunately I've been taking these booster shots... Or I'd be in... real trouble., Taylor: I haven't had a single booster myself.. Panel 3: Man: Well... If you wanna... take risks... with your life... that's your choice., Panel 4: Taylor: Yep. I'm good.


A few weeks ago I lamented on Twitter that I need new friends. Chance let me know I’d gone too far—he thought I wanted to dump our friends over politics. That wasn’t it.

Two of my friends have died. Another had a stroke so severe he lost his ability to draw. Another just went to the hospital with a suspected blood clots and the doctors released him without bothering to test for one.

My boosted friends are experiencing a rolling storm of flus, COVID rebounds and mystery respiratory disease. I don’t need new friends because we disagree—I need new friends because I think they might die before we’re fifty.

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