basedPanel 1: Dad: How much for a ticket for a day the park?, Cast: $150 for the day!, Panel 2: Dad: Ok, get out the old credit card., Cast: Sorry that's $180., Panel 3: Dad: But you just said--, Cast: That was three seconds ago. Now it's $250., Panel 4: Dad: Can the price hikes stop long enough to complete this transaction?, Cast: $350! The magic never ends!

Panel 1: Dad: How much for a ticket to the park?, Cast: $150 for the day!, Panel 2: Dad: Ok, get out the old credit card., Cast: Sorry that's $180., Panel 3: Dad: But you just said--, Cast: That was three seconds ago. Now it's $250., Panel 4: Dad: Can the price hikes stop long enough to complete this transaction?, Cast: $350! The magic never ends!

A Day at the Park

Buying passes is starting to feel like a bidding war.

Chapek can’t stop ticking off the fans. My theory is he wants to push the pricing for a day at the park far enough to drop off attendance, then pull it back. If he manages to disconnect enough superfans to really do it, will he still bring them back when prices go down?

IF they go down?

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