basedChemtrails Conspiracy Theory Panel 1: Text: The three stages of an argument. #1 Vickers: It's just a conspiracy theory., Panel 2: #2 Vickers: It's happened a few times but it's not widespread,, Panel 3: #3: See... This is a good thing, actually., Chance: I'm glad I can't hear you right now.

Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory Panel 1: Text: The three stages of an argument. #1 Vickers: It's just a conspiracy theory., Panel 2: #2 Vickers: It's happened a few times but it's not widespread,, Panel 3: #3: See... This is a good thing, actually., Chance: I'm glad I can't hear you right now.

Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory

Geoengineering has been going on since the 1960s. It's so common in China they write op-eds complaining about Chinese cloud seeding in France. So why do we Americans pretend it's a chemtrail conspiracy theory?

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