basedPanel 1: Golfer: I can't believe this. Migrants on the back nine in Martha's Vineyard sanctuary city?, Panel 2: Uh, they're actually across the street, not on the course., Golfer: Well, I don't like this. Not one bit., Panel 3: Golfer: Why don't they go back where they belong..., Panel 4: Golfer: In Texas!

Panel 1: Golfer: I can't believe this. Migrants on the back nine in Martha's Vineyard?, Panel 2: Uh, they're actually across the street, not on the course., Golfer: Well, I don't like this. Not one bit., Panel 3: Golfer: Why don't they go back where they belong..., Panel 4: Golfer: In Texas!

Sanctuary City

We all know they just want to change demographics, as long as it doesn't happen where they are. Maybe they're not a sanctuary city after all.

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