basedDraft Women Panel 1: Taylor: General, you funded war for the next ten years..., Panel 2: Taylor: But military recruitment is down., Panel 3: Taylor: Where will the soldiers come from?, General: Oh, we have a plan for that,, Panel 4: Taylor: Seriously?, General: See you on the front lines, kiddo.

Draft Women Panel 1: Taylor: General, you funded war for the next ten years..., Panel 2: Taylor: But military recruitment is down., Panel 3: Taylor: Where will the soldiers come from?, General: Oh, we have a plan for that,, Panel 4: Taylor: Seriously?, General: See you on the front lines, kiddo.

Draft Women Panel 1:
Taylor: General, you funded war for the next ten years...
Panel 2:
Taylor: But military recruitment is down.
Panel 3:
Taylor: Where will the soldiers come from?
General: Oh, we have a plan for that
Panel 4:
Taylor: Seriously?
General: See you on the front lines, kiddo.

Draft Women

This country should not draft men or women. This country should not fund endless war. When the draft comes, will they send your daughters?

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