Panel 1: Caleb" What'ya working on?, Taylor: First they changed Dr. Suess. Willy Wonka and now Agatha Christie. I'm making a list of what's next.. Panel 2: Caleb: What do you mean by changed? Taylor: Rewritten to be more inclusive, less offensive because history is best forgotten., Panel 4: Curious George! That story where George got hurt and had to go to the hospital. Clear case of neglect., Taylor: Yeah, never trust a man in a yellow hat.

Panel 1: Caleb: What'ya working on?, Taylor: First they changed Dr. Suess. Willy Wonka and now Agatha Christie. I'm making a list of what's next.. Panel 2: Caleb: What do you mean by changed? Taylor: Rewritten to be more inclusive, less offensive because history is best forgotten., Panel 4: Curious George! That story where George got hurt and had to go to the hospital. Clear case of neglect., Taylor: Yeah, never trust a man in a yellow hat.

Curious George

Publishing strikes again. When will it be Curious George?

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