basedObamacare Panel 1: Chance: Wjy is my premium so high?, Answer: Obamacare., Panel 2: Chance: Why is it so hard to find a doctor?, Answer: Obamacare., Panel 3: Chance: My meds are how much?, Answer: Obamacare., Panel 4: Chance: Maybe we should repeal Obamacare., Vickers: What are you, a monster?

Obamacare Panel 1: Chance: Wjy is my premium so high?, Answer: Obamacare., Panel 2: Chance: Why is it so hard to find a doctor?, Answer: Obamacare., Panel 3: Chance: My meds are how much?, Answer: Obamacare., Panel 4: Chance: Maybe we should repeal Obamacare., Vickers: What are you, a monster?


They will never admit they were wrong about Obamacare. They'll change it but they they'll never remove it.

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