Do we still have human rights if we aren't really human anymore? Is that the idea in the first place? Maybe we need a statement of transhuman rights.
![Transhuman Rights Panel 1: Bobby: Now that you have a brain implant, Chance... You're kind of a cyborg., Chance: I am?, Panel 2: Bobby: Sure! You're like Babblebot's cousin now.,Panel 3: Chance: I hope it brings us closer together., Babbblebot: Likewise., Panel 4: Chance: But if chipped people are cyborgs, do they still have human rights?, Bobby: Did you hear that aliens are real now?](
Based Comic
weekly comic strip
Based Comic
weekly comic strip
Do we still have human rights if we aren't really human anymore? Is that the idea in the first place? Maybe we need a statement of transhuman rights.