basedPeace and Security Panel 1: Chance: Hey Babblebot, where have you been?, Babblebot: I work for the UN now!, Panel 2: BabblebotL And we got you a present of harmony!, Panel 3: Peace and security? I love that stuff!, Panel 4: Babblebot: Oh, I feel so peaceful and secure!

Peace and Security Panel 1: Chance: Hey Babblebot, where have you been?, Babblebot: I work for the UN now!, Panel 2: BabblebotL And we got you a present of harmony!, Panel 3: Peace and security? I love that stuff!, Panel 4: Babblebot: Oh, I feel so peaceful and secure!

Peace and Security
Panel 1:
Chance: Hey Babblebot, where have you been?
Babblebot: I work for the UN now!
Panel 2:
Babblebot: And we got you a present of harmony!
Panel 3:
Peace and security? I love that stuff!
Panel 4:
Babblebot: Oh, I feel so peaceful and secure!

Peace and Security

Antonio Gutteres, UN: "People want peace with security and dignity, and frankly, they want peace and quiet."

1 Thessalonians 5:3: "For when they say, 'Peace and safety,' then sudden destruction comes upon them."

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